Captura De Pantalla 2017 08 24 A Las 4 34 56 P M

AtaMoS-TeC (Atacama Module and System Technology Center) is a project that will develop technologies for the photovoltaic solar energy industry in Chile, a strategic bet for the sustainable growth of the country, and which has just received Corfo´s endorsement. This project is about a proposal made by SERC Chile, center of excellence from the Fondap program of Conicyt, integrated by University of Tarapacá, University of Antofagasta, Technical University Federico Santa María, University of Chile, Adolfo Ibáñez University, and the University of Concepción, in addition to Fundación Chile.

Six universities that make up SERC Chile will have an active role in this project, unlike Fundación Chile. Three recognized foreign institutions will act as co-executors: CEA INES (France), ISC Konstanz (Germany) and Fraunhofer Chile. A group of associated companies which trusted the proposal will help both financially and contribute with significant work for the project. These are Adrox Spa, Borg, Cintac, Colbún, Ecoenergías, Ecovisión, Fotcast, Geogrow Spa, Innova Renovable, Mondragón, New Energy, Novalquimia, Phibrand S.A., Snare, Solarpro, Solcor, Syntec, Tecno Andina, Venergía and Vidrios Lirquén S.A.

Professionals and researchers from all these institutions worked for over a year on the AtaMoS-TeC project, which was nominated to receive financing from the Strategic Investment Fund (FIE) within the Framework of the Strategic Solar Program, created in 2015 to promote the creation of a local solar industry and therefore improve the country´s productivity.

The competitive nature of funds awarded for this initiative is emblematic, becoming the most relevant R&D project in solar topics that has arisen in Chile. This, due to the important amounts it will manage –with key contributions from the public and private sectors and what it intends to contribute to the new scientific and technological knowledge in the solar field.

AtaMoS-TeC will finance the creation of a partnership or nonprofit corporation in charge of developing photovoltaic technologies able to adapt the unique conditions of the Atacama Desert, which SERC Chile has been studying since its creation in 2012: that is, high radiation; high sun-hour average; an arid climate; skies with almost no clouds; low ambient temperature, among others. As a result of this technological development, energy cost will be reduced to a target of 25 US$/MWh by the year 2025, in addition to creating its own industry capable of providing goods and services to the Chilean industry and for export.

A central part to the AtaMoS-TeC will be carried out in Antofagasta, in the Atacama Desert Solar Platform and/or at University of Antofagasta. While this partnership or corporation is set up, this latter entity will be the sole benefactor.

In order to add more players from the public and private sector, as well as from the community, SERC Chile relies in its ability to enthuse them to join this initiative.