Captura De Pantalla 2020 07 13 A La(s) 10.58.13

So is the title of the article in the Pulso newspaper from La Tercera – which is part of a special on “Water emergency during a pandemic” – which addresses the potential and current development of water desalination in Chile.

Desalination allows the incorporation of a new source of water supply of homogeneous and safe quality and its sustainability does not depend on climatic variations. It can also be used in places with little availability of surface and underground water, he says.

The article quotes Dr. Lorena Cornejo, leader of SERC Chile’s Research Line 1, who explains the process as follows:

“In general, a desalination device essentially separates salty water into two streams: one with a low concentration of dissolved salts (the fresh water stream) and another containing brine (a concentrated solution of salts). This equipment requires energy to operate and can use a large number of different technologies combined to achieve separation. “