Captura De Pantalla 2020 07 13 A La(s) 14.54.44

Rodrigo Palma, one of the leaders in Energy Storage Research, was interviewed in the ‘Congress of the Future’ program broadcast by Radio Cooperativa, to talk about the future of Green Hydrogen in Chile. In the interview, which you can listen to here (starting at 38:26 in spanish), Palma explains that this variety of hydrogen (generated by non-polluting sources, hence it is called “green”) has great potential due to the significant reduction in the costs of renewable energy.

Does Chile have the potential to get on this bandwagon? Palma replied that there are two options. We can follow the global trend, taking advantage of the massification and integration of foreign technology, or we can be part of the global players. For them, there is potential. “Chile has about 1,900 GW of potential in renewable energy. Of these, there are only 25 GW installed,” he said.

In addition, he emphasized that hydrogen offers flexibility to other sources of renewable energy, a bit inflexible, such as solar, which is why the National Green Hydrogen Strategy, led by the Ministry of Energy, in which everyone participates is important. key players in the sector.