WhatsApp Image 2019 01 15 At 15.27.59

On the occasion of its first anniversary of the Atacama Module and System Technology Center, AtaMoS TeC, on Wednesday, January 16th, the international seminar “Opportunities for solar energy in the energy transition” will take place.

The meeting will be initiated by the general manager of the project, Bárbara Silva, who classified the closing of the first year as a success: “We are very happy, since we were able to develop a module adapted to the conditions of the Atacama desert. This goal was budgeted for 2020 and we will have it installed by 2019. ”

Among the speakers are Verónica Bermúdez, director of the Energy Research Area of ​​the Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute; Aisen Etcheverry, adviser to the Ministry of Economy; Cristián Mansilla, general manager of Phibrand; Rodrigo Mancilla, executive director of the Solar Committee of Corfo and Delfina Muñoz, international coordinator of CEA-Ines.

The seminar, open to the public, will take place between 8:30 am and 12:30 pm. at the Diego de Almagro Hotel in Providencia (Av. Pío X 2530).

Other activities

On January 19th, one year has passed since the departure of AtaMoS Tec, a public-private initiative promoted by SERC Chile and led by the University of Antofagasta, which has as co-executors the University of Chile, Technical University Federico Santa María, University of Concepción, Adolfo Ibáñez University, CEA INES (France), ISC Konstanz (Germany), Fraunhofer Chile, Phibrand S.A. In quality of associated companies are Colbún, Mondragón, Cintac, Ecovision, Solarpro, Innova Renewable, Snare, Syntec, Borg, Ecoenergies, Fotcast, Geogrow Spa, Novalquimia, New Energy, Solcor, Tecno Andina, Venergia, Adrox Spa and Vidrios Lirquén S.A.

It will be a week of various activities. Two internal workshops and the launch of the outdoor equipment area will be added to this international seminar, which will allow the development of new projects. The launch will take place on Friday 18th in Antofagasta.