
The Solar Map was launched on November 21 at the Hall of Honor of Concepción City Hall. It was elaborated by a team of researchers from Universidad del Bio-Bio, Universidad de Concepción and Finland’s Aalto University, with the support from CONICYT and the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters (Project CON*FIN AKA-ERNC 007).

The map (available at allows for each district citizen to identify their house, the solar power it receives and the estimated household savings generated by the installation of different systems. The major difference with other solar urban cadasters is that this one identifies different building typologies and relates them with actual consumption, which thus allows characterizing the solar capacity of buildings.

In addition, the project is constantly monitoring the performance of various pieces of equipment on field tests in order to evaluate new technologies and provide reliable information about systems so as to promote energy self-generation and development of more sustainable cities.

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